Did you know your controller has a timer function that can be set either as a timer for irrigation or lighting? It's important to remember that timer is not used for temperature but rather to turn on lights at a certain time or to run mist irrigation.
There are 2 different modes for the timer output. TIMER mode where it will run at a certain type of day for a set length, every day. MISTER mode causes it to enter an on-off cycle that is programmed to run for a number of seconds repeating after the set number of minutes expire.
Programming a Timer cycle for lighting is easy:
- Press the TIMER key until "TIMR" is displayed and press ENTER.
- "TIMR" and the start time will flash alternately.
- Type in the time the lighting should go turn on and press ENTER. Remember it is a 24 hour clock format. Example: 2 pm = 14.00
- HOLd will alternate with the hold time in hours.minutes format. Maximum hold is 23 hours and 59 minutes. Type in the desired hold time. Example: 8hr 45 min hold = 8.45
- Press Enter and REPT will alternate with either OFF or ON. Use the TIMER key to toggle between OFF and ON. The ON setting will repeat the timer daily.
- Press the ENTER button and the controller will return to the normal operating display.
As always if you have any questions, give us a call.